Monday, November 30, 2009

True friend

My definition of a true friend is the person that had always been there for you and the person that y ou can trust anything with. They keep your secrets, they are always there for you and they never spread things that arent true about you. What is your definition of a true friend?


Madeleine Weaver said...

I think a true friend needs to be honest. If they aren't honest then all the secrets you had shared with them.......well they might go and tell everyone. Then its not a secret anymore and it sometimes ruins your friendship.

Also i think a good friend should be dependable. If they aren't dependably then you cant trust them and you do not know for sure if they have your back or not. I don't think you are true friends if you don't have each others backs!

And i don't want them to be backstabbers. I would not want whom i thought was my best friend going around and telling things that aren't true about me to other people, like rumors. And i wouldn't want them to pretend to be a friend to me and then go and talk about me to some other person who might not even know me that well.

Alex Gradon Baker said...

For me, a best friend is a person who would want to include you in everything and want to hang out with you. Not someone who just doesn't care if you are there or not. I have a couple of friends that are like this and I think that i'm just a person they go to if no one else is there to talk to.

This gets on my nerves a lot and I get really mad at them. Though I don't get and and yell at thier face, I still resent them for it in the first place. They have a habit of doing that then reversing and saying that you're their best friend and all.

Then they do the same thing over again. This is not a best friend. I believe that you would need to get new best firends if your old ones are like this. I have heard of those girls who follow another around all the time and they call each other "best friends" but I will not follow anyone around all the time for someone who like sto do things their way.

courtney caudell :) said...

My definition of a true friend is someone who is always going to be there for you when times get rough and always appear to be there in the end.

In my lifetime, I have made many friends. My friends are there for me, but when it all comes down I always appear to have five true friends. They were always there for me and never let me down when times got to hard for me to handle. They stuck with me and said,"you can get through this."

That is what my definition of a true friend is.

morgan said...

Well alex, I agree with you because if your friends are bossy and they don't actually act like and they are just there to get attention. I wouldn't hang around people like that.

Anonymous said...

True friends are hard to find. Without true friends, life wouldn't be work living. Whenever you find a true friend, keep them close.

A true friend must always be there for you. Whenever you've had a bad day or your boyfriend broke up with you, your true friend really must be there for you. Through thick and thin, a true friend will be there for you till the end.

Another quality of a good friend is that they are honest. A true friend will tell you whenever you look fat in your favorite dress, and you need that. Honesty is important because you need to know the truth.

Lastly, a true friend must not judge you. A true friend needs to accept you for you. No matter how weird you are, a true friend won't judge you. I am so lucky to have a handful of these friends.

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