Wednesday, December 9, 2009 can't tell anybody

Have you ever had a secret that you couldn't tell anybody? It may be your secret or a friends. Do you tell someone to protect them? Or do you keep it to your self and try to resolve it on your own? What do you do? You want to help your friend but you also want to show them that you care. What do you do when it finally gets to this point?

1 comment:

=)danielle..oneal(= said...

Most of my friends tell me all of their secrets. I really don’t know why, but they do. To tell the truth, I haven’t told one of their secrets yet.

When it comes to that point, I really don’t know if I would tell or not. If I do tell, I would tell an adult I trusted. But, I would only tell them if I knew they could help.

So, I know many secrets. I would tell their secrets only if they seriously need help and the person I tell can help them.

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