Friday, December 11, 2009

Walk a day in my shoes

have you ever caught yourself say this........"try walking a day in my shoes"? What if you could switch life's with somebody for ONE day? Do you think that you would feel different about that person? I know I would. What if somebody could have YOUR life for a day? Would they see something different about you or would they understand and go with the flow? Tell me what you think if you could walk a day in somebody's shoes.

1 comment:

R.Berry said...

Yes I have caught myself saying that before. If you really think about it there are others that have it worse than you.

Some people have no food or water. They sit there and starve. What would you do it that was you?

I think that you can learn how to deal with your life and manage it. So i think that my life is good as it is. So no I would not trade "Shoes" for a day with anyone.

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