Friday, December 11, 2009

Walk a day in my shoes

have you ever caught yourself say this........"try walking a day in my shoes"? What if you could switch life's with somebody for ONE day? Do you think that you would feel different about that person? I know I would. What if somebody could have YOUR life for a day? Would they see something different about you or would they understand and go with the flow? Tell me what you think if you could walk a day in somebody's shoes.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009 can't tell anybody

Have you ever had a secret that you couldn't tell anybody? It may be your secret or a friends. Do you tell someone to protect them? Or do you keep it to your self and try to resolve it on your own? What do you do? You want to help your friend but you also want to show them that you care. What do you do when it finally gets to this point?

Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Bad week!

This week has been a really bad week for me. Everything has seemed to go wrong and I feel like I can't do any thing right. I wish that there was a way that I could make everything better and it not be so bad. Have you ever had a day, week, or even a month like this? Tell me how you stayed calm through everything you were going through.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Why do we do stupid things?

Why does everyone do something stupid? We know that it's stupid but we do it anyway. Sure it makes everyone laugh and it is funny but most things that we do get us in trouble. Why don't we think about things before we do them? What are some of the stupids things that you have done that you now look back and think that it is stupid?

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Lessons in Mrs. Miller's class

How many people agree with me that the lessons we do in Mrs. Miller' s class are too long? They take up too much time and they are boring. I think they should be shorter. Who agrees with me and why?

Monday, November 30, 2009

True friend

My definition of a true friend is the person that had always been there for you and the person that y ou can trust anything with. They keep your secrets, they are always there for you and they never spread things that arent true about you. What is your definition of a true friend?

Favorite Color :)

Blue is my all time favorite color. It is so pretty and kinda stands out. Tell me about your favorite color and why it is your favorite color

Favorite Fooball Team

Who do you cheer for? Carolina or Clemson? I have always been a carolina fan and this year....we won against our enemies. YAY! :) Tell me about me favorite team.

How did you meet me?

I was wondering how I met all my friends. Was it school? A party? Or was I just being my normal outgoing self? :) let me know how I met you. Tell me about some good times together


Stress is the hardest thing in the world to overcome. For instance, this computer just deleted my whole blog and I had to start all over. UGH!!! When I get stressed, I listen to music and walk around. It helps the stress go away. What do you do when you get stressed?